Life Design Framework
The life design journaling framework is a journaling framework and methodology for documenting your life design and the ongoing journey of realizing your life design. Your life design encompasses who you are, the life you want to live, and the ongoing journey to get there.
The life design framework consists of broad segments that are further broken down into aspects. For each segment there is a holistic perspective for understanding the segment.

Journaling, Life Design, Knowledge Management
Key understandings for creating and executing on a life design are journaling and knowledge management.
Introduction to the JournaledLife Framework for Life Design
4 Keys for Designing Your Life
56 Inspiring Journaling Quotes
How to Journal for self improvement and self growth
Reflective Journaling as an approach to life
Become Your Own Life Coach With Journaling
Benefits of Journaling
Journaling Styles & Techniques to Organize Your Life
How to Journal to Transform your Life
Life Aim Segment
The Aim Segment of the Life Design Framework is the creative part. It is the part that allows you to dream, to imagine where you will live, the type of life you would love to live, and the type of people you want to share it with. Most of all, you determine your purpose, your overall WHY that drives everything else.
The aim segment is further broken down into the purpose, vision, and mission aspects.
The holistic perspective of the aim segment is the life areas perspective.
Introduction to the JournaledLife Framework for Life Design
Balance Your Life by Balancing Your Life Areas
How to Commit to a Better Life
Eight Keys for an Effective Vision for Your Life
How to Live a Life With Purpose
Self Segment
While the Aim Segment was based on creativity, the Self segment of the Life Design Framework is based on introspection. Who we are is going to tell us if the life we designed is really the life we want.
Who we are is going to tell us who we need to become to create the life we want.
The self segment consists of the values, beliefs, traits, strengths and weaknesses, interests, habits, capabilities, and obstacles.
The holistic perspective of the self segment is the roles perspective.
Life Roles
Introduction to the JournaledLife Framework for Life Design
Life Design Capabilities
Building Life Habits
Who Are You
How to Discover and Create Your Beliefs
How to Discover and Create Your Values
Map Segment
The Map segment creates the plan for the journey to create our vision. The plan takes into account all the segments and perspectives.
The constant revaluation of all segments is ongoing and is a natural part of life. It is one of the reasons why it is so important to look at all segments all the time.
The map segment consists of the goals, objectives, and task segments.
The holistic perspective of the map segment is the map models. Models could be roadmaps, budgets.
Introduction to the JournaledLife Framework for Life Design
Objectives - The Building Blocks of Your Dream Life
Use Goals to Align to Your Dream Life
Execution Segment
The execution Segment is about executing the plan, the actions that we are taking in the present.
Life requires action. Introspection needs to be balanced by execution.
The execution segment consists of the experience and reflections aspects.
The holistic perspective of the execution segment are the weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly reviews.
Introduction to the JournaledLife Framework for Life Design
4 Keys for Designing Your Life
Life Design Execution: A Mix of Experiences and Reflections
How to Journal for self improvement and self growth
Reflective Journaling as an approach to life
Become Your Own Life Coach With Journaling
Journaling Styles & Techniques to Organize Your Life
How to Journal to Transform your Life
Tools and Miscellaneous
The following posts pertain to toolset and general understandings of knowledge management.